Information and Consent
Thank you for your interest in a somatic bodywork process with me. Just before we start, I would like to tell you a bit about the process and what is going to happen in our sessions.
Embodying the flow of change
The intention within a somatic bodywork session is to invite you to connect to your own strength and abilities, so you can use them in different situations in your life. This is achieved by using a combination of touch and verbal communication. Each process should help you to overcome obstacles, learn different approaches to chronic conditions, let emotions be experienced throughout these processes, and to gain better clarity of purpose. All of these experiences contribute to an enhanced experience of life.
What happens in sessions?
We are partners in every session. I will guide you to articulate and explore your individual experience and clarify what you are aiming towards.
Clothes: it is best to wear something comfortable to the session.
Duration: the first session is typically between 60 and 90 minutes long and further sessions usually last 60 minutes.
Duration of the entire process: this depends on what you intend to achieve, your circumstances, and your availability.
Fees and cancellation conditions: My rate for each session is EUR 90,- and a package of 6 sessions is EUR 480,-. Cancellation up to 24 hours before the session is free. In case of cancellation within 24 hours the full price of the session will be charged.
What else you need to consider
The Pantarei Approach is not considered a medical therapy, nor can it be used as a substitute for any kind of necessary medical treatment. I do not offer medical diagnoses, or treatments for physical or psychiatric conditions. If there is any doubt about your health or emotional condition, or whether this somatic approach is suitable for you, it is your responsibility to consult with your medical advisor to clarify the situation.
As a Pantarei Approach practitioner, I respect and adhere to the core values of the approach, its code of ethics and its professional conduct. You can find them online at